Poverty, Employment and Social Policy 
社會科學院  社會工作學研究所  
330 D2200 
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This seminar is about the relationships between work, poverty and social policy. All welfare states in the post-industrial world have had to respond to changes in patterns of employment at the same time as a general trend towards increasing income inequalities and poverty prevails in many countries, where child poverty and working poor recently has been paid closer attention due to the potential adverse consequences for well-being of children, youth as well as for their market prospects.
This purpose of this course is to analyze structures, determinants and outcomes of social policy legislation in post-war welfare democracies from a macro-sociological and institutional perspective. A main question is to what extent the motives of different active labour market policies (ALMPs), family policy institutions can be linked to childbearing, women’s work, child poverty, in-work poverty, and gender role attitudes.

The basic format of this seminar will be lecture, presentations and discussion. The instructor will review the theoretical explanation for the working poor, ALMPs and family policy and demonstrate some comparative studies in social policy. Students will be expected to present and discuss their paper in class in the late weeks. Papers should be 15-20 pages and the due on the last day of class.
Office Hours
Part I Understanding Poverty
1. Context of Poverty, Definition and Measurement
Alcock, Pete (2006). Understanding Poverty, 3rd (ed.), Palgrave.
Baulch, Bob (2006). The New Poverty Agenda: A Disputed Consensus (Editorial). IDS Bulletin, 37(4), 82-90.
*Brady, D. (2009). Rich Democracies, Poor People: how politics explain poverty. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ch.1-4.
2. Different Disciplines, Different Perceptions
*Brady, D. (2009) Rich Democracies, Poor People: how politics explain poverty. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ch. 5-8.
Gustafsson, B. Li Shi, and Sicular, T. (2008). Inequality and Public Policy in China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kakwani, Nanak and Silber, Jacques (eds.) (2007). The Many Dimensions of Poverty, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Ch. 1-5.
Jung, Sun Young, & Smith, R. J. (2007). The Economics of Poverty: Explanatory Theories to Inform Practice. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 10(1/2), 21-39.
Leisering, L. and Leibfried, S. (2000). Time and Poverty in Western Welfare State: United Germany in Perspective. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press.
Ludwig, J. & Mayer, S. (2006). “Culture” and the Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty: The Prevention Paradox. The Future of Children, 16(2), 175-196.
Mohan, B. (2011). Development, Poverty of Culture and Social Policy. NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Ch. 1.
Osterling, K. L. (2007). PartⅡ: Theory Integration and Pactitioner Perspectives. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 16(1/2), 123-147.
3. Poverty and Freedom
Collins, D., Morduch, J. Rutherford, S. & Ruthven, O. (2009). Portfolios of the Poor: how the world’s poor live on $2 a day. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
*Kakwani, Nanak and Silber, Jacques (eds.) (2007). The Many Dimensions of Poverty, Palgrave. Ch.6-9.
Levine, D. P. and Rizvi, S. A. T. (2005). Poverty Work and Freedom: political economy and the moral order. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Ch.5-9.
Murrgarra, E. larrison, J. and Sasin, M. (2011). Migration and Poverty : toward better opportunities for the poor, The World Bank.
4. Social Exclusion and Poverty, and Policy Framework
Alcock, Pete (2006). Understanding Poverty, 3rd (ed.), NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Ch.9-17
Altman, J. C., & Goldberg, G. S. (2008). Rethinking Social Work’s Role in Public Assistance. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, ⅩⅩⅩⅤ(4), 71-94.
Newman, K. and O’brien, R. (2011). Taxing the poor: doing damage to the truly disadvantaged. Berkeley: University of California Press.
*Taket, A. etal., (2009). Theorising Social Exclusion, Oxon: Routledge. Ch.1.1-1.5.
*Pierson, J. (2010). Tackling Social Exclusion, 2nd.ed. Oxon: Routledge. Ch.1-3.
Welshman, J. (2006). From the Cycle of Deprivation to Social Exclusion: Five Continuities. The Political Quarterly, 77(4), 475-484.
5. Child Poverty
Bradbury, B., Jenkins, S. P. and Micklewright, J. (2001). The Dynamics of Child Poverty in Industrialised Countries, United Nations: UNICEF。
*Jones, N. and Sumner, A. (2011). Child Poverty, Evidence and Policy: mainstreaming children in international development. Bristol: The Policy Press. Ch.1-3.
*Ridge, T. and Millar, J. (2011). Following Families: Working Lone-Mother Families and their Children, Social Policy & Administration, 45: 1, 85-97.
6. Feminization of Poverty
Barker, M. (2009). Working their Way Out of Poverty? Gendered Employment in Three Welfare States, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Special edition, 617-637.
Chant, Sylvia (2007). Gender, Generation and Poverty: exploring the ‘Feminisation of poverty’ in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Evans, P. M. (2009). Lone mothers, workfare and precarious employment: Time for a Canadian Basic Income? International Social Security Review, 62: 1, 45-65.
*Goldberg, G. S. (2010). Poor Women in Rich Countries: the feminize of poverty over the life course. Oxford: Oxford University.Ch.1,2,4,9.
7. Poverty and Health
Cutts, D. B. et al., (2011). US housing insecurity and the health of very young children, American Journal of Public Health, 101:8, 1508-1516.
*Brodin, H. C., Weber, A., Glatzc, A. and B(a0ca)nger, J. (2010). Working poor in Germany: Dimensions of the problem and repercussions for the health-care System, Journal of Public Health Policy, 31: 3, 298–311.
Burton, L. & Bromel, L. (2010). Children Illness, Family Comorbidity, and Cumulative Disadvantage: An Ethnographic Treatise on Low-Income Mothers’ Health in Later Life, Ch.11, Springer Publishing Company.
*Hernandez, V. R.; S. Montana, and K. Clarke (2010). Child Health Inequality: Framing a Social Work Response, Social Work, 35:4, 291-301.
Iyer, A., Sen, G., & (a0b9)stlin, P. (2008). The Intersections of Gender and Class in Health Ststus and Health Care. Global Public Health, 3(S1), 13-24.
*Jenkins, Rachel et al., (2011). Social, economic, human rights and political challenges to global mental health, Mental Health in Family Medicine, 8:87–96.
*Peters, David H. et al., (2008). Poverty and Access to Health Care in Developing Countries, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1136: 161–171.
Part II Working Poor
8. Different Faces of In-work Poverty
*Andere, H. and Lohmann, H. (2008). The Working Poor in Europe: employment, poverty and globalization. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Ch. 1-4.
9. In-work Poverty in Different Countries
*Andere, H. and Lohmann, H. (2008). The Working Poor in Europe: employment, poverty and globalization. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Ch. 5-8.
10. Combating In-work Poverty
*Andere, H. and Lohmann, H. (2008). The Working Poor in Europe: employment, poverty and globalization. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Ch. 9-12.
Berlin, G. L. (2007). Rewarding the Work of Individuals: A Counterintuitive Approach to Reducing Poverty and Strengthening Families. The Future of Children, 17(2), 17-42.
Part III Labour Markets and Motherhood
11. Parental Leave and Working Parents
*Del Boca, D. and Wetzels, C. (2007). Social Policies, Labour Markets and Motherhood: a comparative analysis of European Countries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ch.1-4.
12. Social Policies on Women Employment
*Del Boca, D. and Wetzels, C. (2007). Social Policies, Labour Markets and Motherhood: a comparative analysis of European Countries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ch.5-8.
Crompton, R., Lewis, S. & Lyonette, C. (2007). Women, Men, Work and Family in Europe. NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Part IV From Welfare to Welfare-to-Work
13. American Welfare Reform (I)
Daguerre, A. (2007). Active Labour Market Policies and Welfare Reform: Europe and the US in comparative perspective. NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Ch. 1.
East, J. F., & Bussey, M. (2007). “I Was Scared Every Day”: Surviving in the TANF Environment. Journal of Policy Practice, 6(3), 45-64.
*Handler, J. and Hasenfeld, Y. (2007). Blame Welfare, Ignore Poverty and Inequality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ch.1-5.
14. American Welfare Reform (II)
Butler, S. S. (2008). Long-Term TANF Participants and Barriers to Employment: A Qualitative Study in Maine. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare,ⅩⅩⅩⅤ(3), 49-69.
*Handler, J. and Hasenfeld, Y. (2007). Blame Welfare, Ignore Poverty and Inequality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ch.6-8.
*Morgan, A. Acker, J., and Weigt, J. (2010). Stretched Thin: poor families, welfare work, and welfare reform. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Ch.6.
*Wacquant, L. C. (2010). Crafting the Neoliberal State: Workfare, Prisonfare, and Social Insecurity, Sociological Forum, 25:2, 197-223.
Wacquant, L. (2009) Punishing the Poor: the neoliberal government of social insecurity. Durham: Duke University Press.Ch.8.
15. British Workfarist Regime
*Daguerre, A. (2007). Active Labour Market Policies and Welfare Reform: Europe and the US in comparative perspective. NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Ch. 2.
*Dostal, J. M. (2008). The Workfare Illusion: Re-examing the Concept and the British Case. Social Policy and Administration, 42(1), 19-42.
Macleavy, J. (2007). Engendering New Labour’s Workfarist Regime: Exploring the Intersection of Welfare State Restructuring and Labour Market Policies in the UK. Gender, Place and Culture, 14(6), 721-743.
*Macleavy, J. and Peoples, C. (2009). Workfare–Warfare: Neoliberalism, “Active” Welfare and the New AmericanWay of War, Antipote, 41:5, 890-915.
*Marston, G., & McDonald, C. (2008). Feeling Motivated Yet? Long-term Unemployed People’s Perspectives on the Implementation of Workfare in Australia. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 43(2), 255-269.
16. Active Labour Market Policies in EU
*Bőhnke, P. (2010). Implications of the Activation Paradigm on Poverty and Social Exclusion in Germany: Facts, Hypotheses, Uncertainties, German Policy Study, 6:1, 185-209.
*Cook, S., Heintz, J., & Kabeer, N. (2008). Economic Growth, Social Protection and ‘Real’ Labour Markets: Linking Theory and Policy. IDS Bulletin,39(2), 1-10.
*Daguerre, A. (2007). Active Labour Market Policies and Welfare Reform: Europe and the US in comparative perspective. NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Ch. 3-5.
Dingelldey, I. (2007) Between workfare and enablement – The different paths to transformation of the welfare state: A comparative analysis of activating labour market policies, European Journal of Political Research, 46: 823–851.
Hansen, L. L. (2007). From Flexicurity to FlexicArity? Gendered Perspectives on the Danish Model. Journal of Social Sciences, 3(2), 88-93.
Harsl(a0d9)f, I. (2005). ‘Integrative’ or ‘Defensive’ Youth Activation in Nine European Welfare States. Journal of Youth Studies, 8(4), 461-481.
Malmgerg-Heimonen, I., & Vuori, J. (2005). Financial Incentive and Job-Search Training: Methods to Increase Labour Market Integration in Contemporary Welfare States? Social Policy & Administration, 39(3), 247-259.
17. Social protection for the Poor and Poorest
*Barrientos, A. and Hulme, D. (2008). Social protection for the Poor and Poorest: concepts, Policies and Politics. NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Ch.1-5.
Hulme, A. (2010). Global Poverty: how global governance is failing the poor. London: Routledge.
Joseph, J. (2010). Poverty Reduction and the New Global Governmentality, Alternatives, 35, 29–51.
Lobao, L. and Kraybill, D. (2009). Poverty and Local Governments: Economic Development and Community Service Provision in an Era of Decentralization, Growth and Change, 40 : 3, 418–451.
Roy, A. (2010). Poverty Capital: microfinance and the making of development. London: Routledge.
Andere, H. and Lohmann, H. 2008. The Working Poor in Europe: employment, poverty and globalization. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Bradshaw, J. and Hatland, A. (eds.) 2006. Social Policy, Employment and Family Change in Comparative Perspective. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Daguerre, A. 2007. Active Labour Market Policies and Welfare Reform: Europe and the US in comparative perspective. NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Del Boca, D. and Wetzels, C. 2007. Social Policies, Labour Markets and Motherhood: a comparative analysis of European Countries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ferrarini, T. 2006. Families, States and Labour Markets: institutions, causes and consequences of family policy in post-war welfare state. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Hann, A. 2007. Reclaiming, Social Exclusion and New Poverty Reduction Strategies. NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Handler, J. and Hasenfeld, Y. 2007. Blame Welfare, Ignore Poverty and Inequality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2/22  Part I Understanding Poverty
1. Context of Poverty and Definition and Measurement
2/29  2. Different Disciplines, Different Perceptions 
3/07  3. Poverty and Freedom 
3/14  4. Social Exclusion and Poverty, and Policy Framework 
3/21  5. Child Poverty
3/28  6. Feminization of Poverty  
4/04  放假一天 
4/11  Part II Working Poor
7. Different Faces of In-work Poverty
4/18  8. In-work Poverty in Different Countries 
4/25  9. Combating In-work Poverty 
5/02  Part III Labour Markets and Motherhood
10. Parental Leave and Working Parents
5/09  11. Social Policies on Women Employment 
5/16  Part IV From Welfare to Welfare-to-Work
12. American Welfare Reform (I)
5/23  13. American Welfare Reform (II) 
5/30  14. British Workfarist Regime 
6/06  15. Active Labour Market Policies in EU 
6/13  16. Social protection for the Poor and Poorest